Who are you? Why are you making a book blog? Don't thousands of other people have book blogs? Why are you so special? - these are all very good questions! Let's tackle these in some form of vague order, which probably won't work because I am a human being and therefore prone to errors and mistakes.

Hi, I'm Patricia

I am a 28 year old Aries

I'm from Georgia (the state, not the country), but don't really have an accent

My favorite color is purple

I have two orange tabby cats: Pixel and Pumpkin

I have a Bachelors in Rhetoric and a Masters of Education in School Library Media

I work your bog standard 8-5 office job

I am also working on my Masters of Public Administration degree at nights

In my spare time, I volunteer for the Crisis Text Line and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

When I have real, actual free time, I play video games and board games, read (of course), and watch TV.

I don't have a favorite "adult" book, but my favorite childrens' book is

My favorite ride at Disney World is the Haunted Mansion. I am terrified of Soarin' and refuse to ever ride it again.

My favorite word is
petrichor (the smell after it rains)

My best talent is reciting all 50 US states in under 1 minute in alphabetical order

I know all the words to Weird Al's 11 minute oeuvre, "Trapped in the Drive Thru," though, and that is a very close second.

I've been reading since I was 3 years old thanks to a persistent and doting grandmother
Does any of that qualify me to write a book blog? Heck no. What it does do, however, is lend a very interesting and unique lens through which I can view the things I read critically. I spent my time working on my School Library Media degree in a high school library, and I love YA literature more than 90% of adult books. They typically tackle more "real" issues than adult books, which tend to get bogged down in romance and love triangles, and do it quicker because they have to keep a teenager's attention. Fight me *.
So anyway. I will write about the books I read here, because I've had this domain name for years and spend most of my free time pouring over GoodReads reviews of what I just finished reading, which seems a bit inane. Why not just make a blog about it that nobody wants to read?!
* - please don't fight me, I'm overweight and cry thinking about the concept of violence.
Walking my way through my blog reading list (and deleting all the non blogs who's links are still there). That's how I made my way here. Looks like it's been a long time since you've posted, but I thought I'd leave a comment incase you make your back, or see the comment.
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